




根据联合国统计,森林之地至少为20%树。 由于21%的首都伦敦位于树林树冠下-城市森林*估计有约800万加树-几乎和人一样多树-伦敦不单然,约翰内斯堡市密木化市约600万树,横跨街道和私有地产世界树城方案承认城镇致力于确保其城市森林和树得到适当维护与可持续管理城市环境可为树生长开发创造困难条件。树可能接触污染物、高温(热岛效应)、干旱和/或洪涝以及挑战性生长条件.树可能种植,而后援/养殖可能因资源不足而受限制(金钱/照顾等)。 需要长期维护,不仅要维系健康树,还要确保树不破坏人行/路等(例如根渗透等)。树换街新国家树赞助计划, 一些理事会联手, 使当地居民有机会在树旁或本地公园生树由慈善树城市组织运营的一个项目,旨在支持地方社区振兴被遗忘空间、植树和改善当地环境SE伦敦Greenery半岛电子电竞游戏怎么玩的啊面向St.Helier医院的视图.[/Caption]过去,伦敦是一个小得多的城市,环绕着乡林地,但其中仍然有古林地面积。 其中一些林地保留着像南伦敦大北林(hse Norwood and Forest Hill)其他地方名-WoodGreen、Forest门、9 Elms和Burnt Oak半岛电子电竞游戏怎么玩的啊事实上,约8%的伦敦面积仍然是林地,其中一些甚至被定义为古林地(例如Epping森林)Dulwich公园[/capitation] 伦敦多公园-Hyde公园、Regent公园、Richmond公园、Dulwich公园等城市森林有多种物种,包括原生物种,如灰树、黄山树、黄波树、田地地图和holly树类,但公园、街道和私有花园中则有各种异国树和教大片段或树皮片段外露各种颜色新素材(褐色、灰色、黄色),有时被描述为“自我清洗 ” 。 伦敦平面被认为是美式Sycore和东方平面混合体 。 因此城市森林从物种方面看遍全城,差别很大,但城市中有些地方物种多样性差,树龄剖面有时有限。同质性偏向害虫和疾病多样性通常有利于恢复能力树目前面临疾病,如急性橡树下降、Chalara烟灰复发、马栗叶矿工、马沙拉平面病和橡树爬虫伦敦城市森林面临着越来越多的人和气候变化挑战,后者可能会带来大幅度变暖和变化雨量模式更温和的冬季 更干燥的夏令营 在未来几十年中可能比较常见某些树将能更好地应对这些变化条件。 未来播种将不得不遵循极值右树正确位置伦敦森林值难以量化或加图绿色基础建设 — — 绿色空间矩阵、公园、娱乐场、湖泊、运河和河流加街头树、绿顶和分配提供各种经济、环境和社会效益绿叶空间的重要性在Covid大流行初期突出,帮助伦敦人的心理和身体健康。 [Caption id='atchment_27166'对齐='alignleft'宽度='300']半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版古林地和老树提供各种野生动物的家,如蝙蝠、鹿甲虫和兰花等在最近的热浪中,人们理解树也为街道和公园提供阴凉和冷却极端天气的另一方面是暴雨、树绿区可帮助减少洪涝风险,允许更多水进入土壤,而不是从硬面停机坪混凝土流出树还帮助捕捉污染物,通过捕捉空气微粒提高局部空气质量(大都通过叶子表面沉积 ) 。 一种源显示树每年清除约2241吨污染物 。 树和灌木似乎对消除臭氧特别有效, 并通过其光合能力城市森林可将二氧化碳化为有机形式 。伦敦城市森林每年吸收的碳量估计达77200吨半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版未来几年必须充分评估和控制病虫害威胁搜捕)这可能包括人员培训半岛电子电竞游戏怎么玩的啊创造植树、树林和林地的机会idss/cdn.forestresearch.gov.uk/2022/04/21_0024_Leaflet-CC-factleshe-Urban-forests_wip06_Acc.pdf



2023年2月Jeremy Hunt总理警告说英国经济仍然处于危险之中。BBC以表示隐喻适当合理的方式广泛报道半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版杭特无意中指公有思想 林地危险 并应该避免, 和当我们走出林区半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版和小红帽故事相似,小红帽故事警告她不要与陌生人说话,而故事家说“木板人进林后再也没有见到过”。这种对林地的恐惧深深深入我们文化中并给它们的保存和享受设置了真正的屏障。不幸的是Jeremy Hunt强化了这种恐惧,可能无意中加深了这种恐惧偏向语言对刚刚试图用2023环境改善计划焚化环境证书的政府来说是反常的,该计划的一部分目的是“加强美、遗产和与自然环境的接触”。 林业委员会树种植赠款超过2 000英亩时听到这种木工语言也很出人意料。半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版More positive language about woodlands will be needed to achieve the Forestry Commission's aim of "boosting the country's woodlands and timber industry." But Jeremy Hunt's prejudice and woodism is not new - for centuries people have feared the 'big bad wolf' lurking in the woods and the witch who is said to live in the forest.  Ideas of enchanted forests with traps and dangers are pervasive throughout literature and across the world.  In the past, people feared wild animals in woodlands that could attack and they knew that the forest is home to many dangerous plants and poisonous mushrooms, and in some cultures there are spirits of the forest which can be easily angered.  Many others in authority use similar imagery to Jeremy Hunt.2023年1月James Stavridis的时报文章以木质姿态启动 : “ 当然,在这些非如此美国中,我们找到了深入黑暗森林的道路,而我们面前的问题是,我们如何找到路径走出我们游荡的这个危险薄膜? ” 。像这样与自然抗争的语句充斥,比如说报告会“深入长草地 ”, 意指没有人想去的地方 。其他反自然语词有,“跳动式”或“跳动式问题萌芽式 ”半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版多传统故事从小传入小说,例如汉塞尔和格雷特尔的故事,他们在森林中迷路,最终被巫婆吃掉。还有三头小猪害怕森林中的狼。故事使人们害怕迷失并困林地,他们听说过拉普兹尔被困在森林中间的塔里白雪公主躲在森林中躲避邪恶皇后或Robin Hud和他住在Sherwood森林的不法之徒团。传出这种印象的不光是老故事-Maurice Sendak1963年畅销书《野事何去何从》,它讲出男孩行为失检和在没有晚饭的情况下送入卧室的隐约故事。半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版故事中也讲情与行为:似乎在马克斯卧室生长的林地与他进入黑暗之地相关联。虽然它作为儿童书出售,但它同成人故事一样丰富,它强化林地与坏事之间的强连通性。半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版Much of the recent work to reduce people's prejudices around race and sexual orientation are fighting long-held and widespread stereotypes.  Ideally "woodist" language like Hunt's should be called out in the same way that racist and sexist language is - and despite woodist language showing a prejudice against nature rather than groups of people, it still affects how we view our world and how we behave towards others.  Perhaps we need a new lexicon of more positive language around woodlands, encouraging terms like "rewilding" and "greening".  Even the more jargony terms like 'eco-services' and 'biodiversity' are positive although it's more than better language which we need as an antidote to the woodist expressions of Jeremy Hunt.  What is needed is to make politicians ashamed of using woodist expressions and ask them to spend more time, well, in the woods.


2022年7月15日Honey Wyatt评论0

植树理由多多,但我们中许多人可能没有资源(经验、时间、钱或土地),我们需要参与树种工作,即使那里有太多的愿望。不必害怕!参与或多或少比你想的容易半岛电子电竞游戏怎么玩的啊There are countless reputable tree planting organisations across the UK which provide opportunities and information to those who are keen to get involved, but may not know where to start.  It may be that you don't have the space (or resources) to plant your own trees, or are a little tight on time but want to contribute where you can.  You may be considering buying land to plant a family woodland and are on the lookout for some guidance and experience beforehand.  Wherever you are coming from, volunteering for a local tree planting project or charity could be a good way to kickstart your tree planting journey.  It's also a wonderful way to meet like-minded people and make new friends.  Community tree planting is both cost effective and efficient.  Planting up large areas of bare land is not a quick job.半岛电子电竞游戏怎么玩的啊Although people are utilising innovative methods for planting trees (such as dropping saplings from helicopters in remote regions), tree planting is generally speaking a labour intensive activity.  Lots of man hours can mean hefty costs too.  But as the saying goes, many willing hands make light work, and so is the case with creating new woodland.  Volunteering bodies can take care of the organisational and logistical elements of a planting project, allowing individuals to step in and learn new skills, connect with their communities and make a positive contribution to our climate. Fifty members of a local community could comfortably achieve the same as a far smaller team of professional foresters.  Of course the spacings may not be quite as consistent, or the stakes quite as straight in the ground, but in the grand scheme of things this doesn't matter!  The process of planting a young tree can be learned by anyone, of (almost) any age, from any background!Forest Peterborough英国植树组织启动, 目的是在Peterborough每人种植一树,They also offer education for young people so that they can learn how to make sustainable decisions and attempt to give people ‘opportunities to learn skills and connect with others.' As well as the opportunities for socialising and meeting others, it is a great way to acquire new skills, confidence and a sense of fulfilment from engaging practically with the environment in which you live.  For those who may not have the time, will or resources to take on their own tree planting project, volunteering alongside others offers could be just the answer.  Getting outdoors and connected with nature is especially important since many of us have been working from home since the pandemic began, which has taken a toll on our essential need as humans to connect with other people and the natural world.红木树苗[/划]以及植树的社会方面都与增加树数和绿化相关联事实显示,与自然发生更多关系的人更有可能有更高的自尊感并更能适应压力,同时减少其他心理健康问题,如抑郁症和痴呆症对儿童而言,与自然接触可积极影响他们的情感、认知和道德发展持树观望儿童在学校也更有可能成功,意思是树种既有个人利益也有社区利益林林维护较好的社区也有社会资本参与, 并同时减少'家暴和攻击, 并限制邻里犯罪活动' 。 帝国学院发现,所有这些都有助于社区整体凝聚力,这是我们所生活区域所期望的Whether you want to meet new people, get more exercise, contribute to your community or be a part of a lasting legacy to help combat a changing climate, finding local tree planting groups could be an excellent step in improving your health, as well as the health of your community and our planet.  There are a huge number of volunteering opportunities across the UK, far too many to list exhaustively here, but please see a selection below which may be of interest: Future Forests Networks: https://futureforestsnetwork.org/ Trees for Cities: https://www.treesforcities.org/get-involved Avon Needs Trees: https://www.avonneedstrees.org.uk/volunteering/ Forestry England: https://www.forestryengland.uk/volunteering Trees for Life:  https://treesforlife.org.uk/support/volunteer/ Trees for Shropshire:  https://treesforshropshire.org.uk/volunteer/ The Northern Forest: https://thenorthernforest.org.uk/get-involved/ The Heart of England Forest: https://heartofenglandforest.org/volunteer Parks for London: https://parksforlondon.org.uk/community-tree-planting/

