




Mason蜜蜂/单飞蜜蜂等对蜜蜂的威胁多次报告。新尼科丁类对蜜蜂的威胁有据可查,现在有报告显示某些其他农用化学品可能对蜜蜂有害伍尔堡Julius Maximilians大学研究杀虫药对角马网蜜蜂(Osmia cornuta)生殖行为的影响。多种Osmia树用以改善果和坚果作物授粉性。它们是高效授粉者,拥有特殊花粉采集机/带机Scopa结构。Mason蜜蜂单飞蜜蜂。每个母蜂都肥沃并自生巢,这些树上没有工蜂In the Spring, male and female bees emerge from a nest.  The males generally exit first and remain near the nest, ready to mate with the females.  A female bee selects a mate on their ‘smell' / odour and the ‘quality' of their thoracic vibrations (achieved through muscle contractions).  After mating the males soon die.  The females search for and select a nest site, visiting flowers to collect pollen and nectar for their nests.  Once a certain amount of food has been collected within the nest, the females lay their eggs on top of this material (in a series of cells) and then seal off the nest.  The eggs hatch to form larvae which feed upon the food and within weeks forms a cocoon, in which it continues to develop to an adult.杀真菌类(Fenbuconazole)被认为低毒性和蜜蜂接触亚致命剂量,但Fenbuconazole对蜜蜂有重大影响。蜜蜂的气味依赖其切片中特定碳氢化合物-外骨骼-因此这些蜜蜂交配行为和生殖成功有可能受农用化工影响卡彭特蜜蜂微生物指微生物集合 生存或生存于我们内部 内部特别虽然这些微生物小,但它们促进我们的健康并“健康生存”。提供防病原体保护 帮助免疫系统开发 并让我们消化科学家约克大学(加拿大)一直在调查三种木工蜜蜂的微生物类组(北美、亚洲和澳大利亚)。木头或树枝等植物素养社会蜜蜂(像蜜蜂和大黄蜂)与巢或巢友交互获取微生物单飞蜜蜂像木工蜜蜂一样 从环境获取微生物研究者发现:Bees的微生物内含Lactobacilli,这对良好的肠道健康很重要,帮助防真菌病原体和促进养分摄取并发现原只见于蜜蜂中的作物病原体虽然这些病原体不一定有害,但野蜜蜂有可能传播疾病。由于Pixabay(Umsiedlungen和Sabinem34)的上述蜜蜂寻花图片Research at the University of Exeter has shown that bees can distinguish between various flowers through a combination of colour and pattern.  This selectivity is achieved despite the ‘acuity' of a bee's vision being quite low (about a 100 times lower than ours) - this means they can only see the pattern of a flower when they are quite close (a matter of centimetres).  The researchers analysed a significant amount of data on plants and visiting bee behaviour, and they used experiments involving artificial shapes and colours.  One particular finding was the importance of the contrast between the outside of the flower and the plant's foliage.  This seemed to help beesfind their way to the flowers quickly .



全球许多昆虫群下降令人担忧并威胁经济和生态系统。 2017年德国的一项研究表明飞虫群(各种自然区)下降约70。 昆虫群下降与栖息地分块化、农业传播和杀虫剂使用相关联,新尼科丁类物与蜜蜂和大黄蜂群损害特别相关联。Recent work at the University of Konstanz suggests that when bumblebee colonies are exposed to limited resources of nectar and exposure to the herbicide - glyphosate,  then their colonies may fail.  Bumblebee colonies need a good supply of nectar as a ‘fuel' in order to maintain a constant brood temperature (of approximately 32oC).  Only at this sort of temperature does the eggs & larvae develop quickly from egg to adult, and the colony grow from a single queen to several hundred bees.  If the temperature is not maintained, then the brood develops slowly or not at all.  The loss of wild flowers (and their nectar) plus the use of the herbicide (in agricultural areas) looks to be a problem for the bumblebees.大黄蜂面临问题,蜜蜂也面临问题。蜜蜂面临各种病毒感染,如变形翼病毒。病毒影响机翼开发,使机翼无用,加之可能变形腹部和脚部瘫痪昆虫无法功能和死亡。病毒由寄生虫Varroa mite传播(它也以蜜蜂组织为食 ) 。病毒原创于1980年代日本并被称为DWV-A 。然而,2001年荷兰发现一种新的病毒形式DWV-B,并正在跨欧传播到其他大洲 。可悲的是,病毒变种快速杀蜜蜂并更容易传播(根据Martin Luther大学的研究 ) 。



半岛登录平台网址下载安装手机版前木兰.co.uk博客Dave Goulson教授(苏塞克斯大学)写下蜜蜂和大黄蜂面对的问题。 最近,他和Clipper茶叶(生产有机茶品)联手再次强调蜜蜂和其他授粉者面临的问题,并解释如果失去这些蜜蜂和大黄蜂将如何影响我们的生活。Bee, bumblebee and other pollinator populations are at risk or in decline.  Professor Goulson estimates that there are some 6,000 different species of pollinating insects in the U.K alone, but they face risks as a result of Habitat loss Pollution Climate change Use of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) [caption id="attachment_36158" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Hoverfly foraging[/caption] Whilst it is true that insecticides such as neonicotinoids are directly toxic to bees and bumblebees, many other compounds used as herbicides and fungicides are also harmful to these insects.  Obviously herbicides get rid of weeds, but weeds or wild flowers are a food source for these pollinators.  Pesticides can have what are termed  ‘sub-lethal effects', so that the learning ability of the insects is reduced.  Bees and bumblebees can learn which flowers are best as food sources, they can navigate to and from their nests / hives through open countryside.  Also these compounds can affect their resistance to disease, and their fertility / reproduction.蜂蜜商店可能含有数种杀虫剂的鸡尾酒,蜜蜂在觅食时遇到了这些杀虫剂。 收集花粉和花蜜时,单蜜蜂一天可以访问/授粉四千花花不仅成千上万野花种类依赖蜜蜂授粉,而且我们约四分之三的粮食作物也需要蜜蜂和其他昆虫。 没有蜜蜂和其他昆虫,超市菜叶的广度和可用量将大为减少Whilst going organic and reducing reliance on the many forms of pesticide agriculturally is great help to pollinators, there is also good news in that small growers and even domestic gardeners can have a positive impact on the numbers of bees and others pollinators, such as : Planting a range bee-friendly plants in their gardens Creating a wild flower area in the garden or Allowing the lawn to grow up to form a small meadow like area Reducing the use of all pesticides - insecticides, herbicides, fungicides etc.

